
Fiction motion picture

Centième Singe


One morning, the earth is struck by a total blackout. Everything stops: electricity, engines, batteries, airwaves… Nobody knows why or how it happened, or how widespread it is… Alex, a woman living in Quebec City, is separated from her lover by an entire continent. Seeing no other choice, she sets out across Canada by bike. On her desolate journey, she meets people from all over. She hears the most outlandish theories and the most dramatic consequences are imagined as people begin to apprehend what the future holds. Alex is influenced by the people she meets, who become the only reference points on her quest. She will encounter human nature at its ugliest but above all, at its most sublime. As she proceeds, Alex reveals her deepest thoughts and feelings through her poetry, taking us to the heart of the changes wrought on herself and on mankind. Faced with her personal limits, yet motivated by hope, she draws on the only possible source of energy found deep in her spirit to continue.

Full description

L'Effet (En)

One morning, the earth is struck by a total blackout.  Everything stops: electricity, engines, batteries, airwaves… Nobody knows why or how it happened, or how widespread it is…

Alex, a woman living in Quebec City, is separated from her lover by an entire continent. Seeing no other choice, she sets out across Canada by bike.

On her desolate journey, she meets people from all over. She hears the most outlandish theories and the most dramatic consequences are imagined as people begin to apprehend what the future holds. Alex is influenced by the people she meets, who become the only reference points on her quest. She will encounter human nature at its ugliest but above all, at its most sublime.

As she proceeds, Alex reveals her deepest thoughts and feelings through her poetry, taking us to the heart of the changes wrought on herself and on mankind. Faced with her personal limits, yet motivated by hope, she draws on the only possible source of energy found deep in her spirit to continue.

Cast :

Catherine Allard,Jocelyn Langlois, Simon Pierre Gariépy, Jeremy Aubry, Marco Poulin, Nadine Meloche, Alain Gerald Harvey,Kevin McCoy, Eric Leblanc

Crew :

Production : Nicolas Léger

Réalisation :Jocelyn Langlois

Direction photo et cadrage :Jocelyn Langlois

Direction artistique :Gitane Caron

Infographie, effets speciaux : Jean Larochelle,François Bouillon

Prise de son et conception sonore :Jean Robert Deroo

Monteur image :Jocelyn Langlois

Mixeur sonore : Jean-Francois « frisco » Roy,Jean-Robert DeRoo

Musique originale : Philippe Venne



Remerciements spéciaux

Johanne Lozier, Hopebc.com

Ville de Hope

LocationMichel Trudel, MTL vidéo,Michel Trudel,

DeRoo et filles

Jerome Bourgault

Korey Read Dunlop

Canadian Yacht Carter

Martin Genois, Geneviève Bérubé

Hélène Nadeau

Christy Long

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FEQ 68 .17 (1m06)
The Cord
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Roland de Québec
L'inaccessible étoile
L’inaccessible étoile (En) (2:54)
L’Effet (En) (1min10)
La Traversée légendaire (En) (2:13)


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